Also, I've been pretty preoccupied with the other associated websites and pages such as The Re-Open Nickelodeon Studios Facebook page, the PlaysStation Let's Play channel, and ComicBookCast as their TMNT episode review and admin for their Facebook page. Plus, personally, I'm currently looking for a job. Not that I don't love what I do, it's that it doesn't pay and my wallet is running dry. Kevin is really busy writing screenplays and scripts for his upcoming movies and taking acting classes. We don't have as much time writing reviews or being on podcasts as much as we want to. Plus, my cat Charlie recently passed away about two weeks ago.It has been very hard since my family and I had him for over 17 years. He had been sick for a while and to see him slowly deteriorate was painful. Putting him to sleep was worse, but it was something we had to do. I still miss my cat and I most likely will forever.

Now for some good news, we have another special guest coming aboard on episode 27 of Casual Chats, we have a new podcast series coming this week starring my younger sister and me, and more content from the various sites coming. Stay tuned for that. Thank you so much for being patient. It'll be well worth it.
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