When it comes to Old School Lane Reads and the book club, they've reached less than 100 views with people leaving the video less than 5 minutes after it starts. I'm not sure this is what everyone wants despite putting out a poll with the majority of the votes going to Things I Can't Explain. Until I catch up with my reading and the book club with Jim, I'm probably going to put it on hold since pretty much no one is watching.
Here at Old School Lane, we cover various topics from movies, TV shows, video games, and more. Our Roald Dahl Retrospective on James and the Giant Peach and Matilda have done pretty well with views and comments, but Casual Chats has not. The only exception recently was Scoob! with special guests Taylor "Whyboy" Wyatt and Nero Angelus from ToonGrin since Scooby-Doo is a popular franchise and their movie had just came out in streaming services. People seemed to enjoy that podcast even with its 2 hour length.
Overtime, I wanted to cover some more varied shows since I was getting burned out with talking about Nickelodeon or Disney over and over and over again. Plus, I felt that maybe Old School Lane was becoming one-note with its content and maybe I should shake things up a bit with covering shows I never saw before or interview people that I respect that weren't the usual former Nickelodeon star from the 90's. Boy, did that backfire badly.
The Father Ted podcast got the minimum amount of views with people leaving at the 5 minute mark. Comments were low and no subscribers were gained from it.
Then there's the Darrell Vickers interview which got the minimum amount of view with people leaving less than 3 minutes in. There were no comments and no subscribers were gained.
Finally, there's the podcast I posted on YouTube yesterday which was the interview with Ryan James, Jeff MacIntyre, and Melissa Disney on The Quarantine Bunch which got very low views with people leaving 5 minutes in with no subscribers gained. To be fair, it's a fairly new video so maybe things will change, but at this point in time, I doubt it.
My subscriber count has been very slow. I had gained 7,000 subscribers in January with the current subscriber count being 7,550. I gained 550 subscribers in 6 months which is pretty sad. What made me feel even sadder was a comment I received from someone that said "When was the last time you made a video?" even though I've been posting content on YouTube for the past month. Here at Old School Lane we're all about posting things that makes us happy and (hoping) it'll make you happy. I'm sorry that what I've been posting over the next few months hasn't gotten my viewers coming by the droves, but I just wanted to try something new. I have a few more podcasts I've recorded and scripts I've written and after that, I may need to take a quick break to refocus on myself and for Old School Lane. Thank you for those who've been sticking around. Hope to see you around soon. Take care.